Thursday, February 16, 2012

What's your sign?

Once upon a time in a land called Friday Night at a Bar a princess called Paula (me, henceforth called I) was getting drunk by sipping (skolling) cocktails and then later beer. Yes I am one classy dame.
It was at this Bar that I discovered that all of my friend's mates came from a strange far away land where all the men were most hotly, most kindly and most...well...single. A very coveted prize indeed for the Princess or me or I, well all of my personalities really.
I was most intrigued from whence these men came from and why they had not found their maidens fair.
So being the nosey bitch (couldn't translate that to princess speak) that I am I had to find out why and so on my quest I went.
It was upon this quest that I discovered that we princesses can be most foul indeed. You see no longer do we stand by and let the men dictate what they want but instead we do a little demanding of our own. Cinderella is out and the Ugly Sisters are in my friends.
So what do we demand? Well many things.
A big grand castle.
A big grand horse (car).
A big grand job (to pay for horse and castle).
And a big grand horoscope.
Yes you read right. Now on the checklist of every maiden fair is the horoscope that will match your own.
But can this be right?
On my quest I met a lovely man from the strange far away land and he told me the story of the horoscope and how it has become a deal breaker (again princess speak is tough). I was shocked, amazed and horrified at my fellow princesses. Would Snow White have ever been that cruel to reject a Cancer if she was a Leo? (Because there is no question she was a Leo.)
So I asked, "Well what star sign are you?"
"I am an Aquarian."
Now at this point of the fairytale I would love to tell you that I didn't have a clue what he was talking about but I would be a lying princess.
You see I love all things star signs. I am a Scorpio after all and it is part of my sign to love all things mystical.
I also knew that as a Scorpio I was not compatible with an Aquarian.
I tried my best to seemed shocked at the brutality of these woman who had broken his heart because of the time of year when his mother had burst him from her loins (is loins where we come from? Seems to fit so will leave it).
I realised that maybe I too was guilty of such an act but maybe on my princess checklist it would have been:
Do you like big grand pizzas
Do you like big grand horror movies
Do you love wearing big grand pyjamas
And what star sign are you
Although I have to say that had he answered yes to number one I would have made him my prince there and then (I also would have accepted "Hello my name is Adrien Brody")
So is it okay to reject someone because of when they were born? Well of course the answer is no but if he doesn't like pizza then it is a deal breaker.
The End.

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