As you know, we had to put running shoes out to pasture and bring in another pair. Granted the new pair aren't brand new (I think I bought them in 1992 on special for $15 at Big W) but the great thing is that these running shoes still have their sole in tact. Unlike super keen, but over-the-hill, ex-running shoes that took "your feet need to breath" literally by letting me know, through holes, what surface I was training on. There was talk of mutiny from socks if I didn't do something about it.
So with new (well, old but useable) running shoes on, we (me, body, socks, professional sports attire and big butt - it is a huge team to get me in shape for this marathon) all set out for our 10km walk. The planets were aligning and new running shoes were fitting in with the gang quite nicely.
When we got to 5km, I had to explain to running shoes that whilst we may be doing a marathon it does not mean we have to run and training is for walking only (hence why big butt is still allowed to come or there would be richter scale readings). So in the middle of the track, running shoes decides to have a massive tanty and threatens to leave the team. None of us seem to mind too much and socks say they can pull it off alone and running shoes make them claustrophobic anyway.
Body and butt, as usual, took a break and welcomed the distraction.
So with chaos ensuing and no resolution forthcoming, I wondered if my marathon days were over.
Then it happened. A marathon miracle. We all saw her in the distance and it shut us up instantly. She was everything we wanted to be. Firstly, she was running and I could easily stop there because being able to run is a miracle. Yet that wasn't all, as she was also so fit and toned (butt ran into the bushes at this stage from shame) and had on the perfect running outfit (my attire was drooling). She had on short black running shorts, her running shoes were glowing with experience, and her long pony tail swayed perfectly from side to side as it came out of her low-key but very stylish baseball cap.
As she jogged passed us we all saw it at once. On the back of her running top was the inscription Run for the Kids 2010. She was wearing the official t-shirt of the marathon we were competing in.
Without a word, we all regrouped (almost leaving butt behind, who I knew wanted to stay in bushes) and with running shoes coaxing us along we started to run. There were no aches and pain, no resistance from anyone (look, butt is never going to be included in any of these statements but let's just pretend for now) and all in all was a great running experience.
Sure the marathon miracle girl looked around quite often, to see why we were following her, but we were not going to let her get away that easy.
(Note to self: look up Marathon Miracle Girl in white pages to start stalking process.)