Monday, March 15, 2010

Cool Runnings

Yesterday was the infamous marathon and I must say that I felt very sad about not being there. It came as a surprise that I actually wanted to do the marathon and even big butt was feeling blue.
I realise that I didn't have to be so melodramatic about not being able to do the marathon and break up with you but don't we always break up with someone at all the wrong moments?
Now I wasn't clear on why I couldn't do the marathon - I blame it on the break up - and it is not very exciting at see I got a new job and I was rostered on to work and couldn't get out of it. Should have probably created a much better reason for you all huh? Guess I am out of juice.
So here I am saying that I am officially back. I will continue to train (torturing big butt more to the point) and will continue to rant on about my life.
The next plan is to get my book published, so now that we are back together if you could help me with this process that would be great.
I also plan to find a new Prince. That should keep us all amused for many blogs to come.
Time to get action plan into place.
First step...
Get out of pyjamas. (Why I am not sure, just seems like a good start!)

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