Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Blue Box

I can hardly believe that it has taken me so long to figure out what I am really meant to be doing with my life.
Like all great mysteries it took me a while to figure it out but now that I have the answer I need, I can start on an action plan.
I must admit that I should have been more aware of it when I came home from school and watched Tom Baker in his scarf but I guess I was no different to David Tennant also coming home from school and watching Tom Baker and look at him now. He actually became the Doctor.
So what am I on about? Please pay attention and keep up, as this is going to be such a wild ride. You see I have a TARDIS to find and then the Doctor himself. I am hoping the Doctor I find I am attracted to, as it would be boring to be the Doctor's companion and not want to pash him on every planet we visit.
I might have to get over to Great Britain as my first move, as that is where all good companions live. I think next step will be to find a Darlek, as where ever there is a Darlek there is a Doctor.
Next problem may be that Doctor may already have a companion but I can surely bribe a Darlek to exterminate if need be.
Then life will be great. I can visit planets as I travel through time. Telling any alien who will listen that they must try pizza if it is the only thing they do on planet Earth and because pizza never fails I will be loved all around the universe. Through pizza we may even have Universe Peace.
Then the Doctor and I can retire and live happily ever after.
The TARDIS is so big I can even get a horse.

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