Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nipping it in the Bud

Walked 12km today, most of it in the rain. Felt fantastic afterwards but beforehand...not so much.
Apparently we have to be "careful what we wish for." Although, if I wished for a life time supply of pizza I am not sure how I could go wrong. Sure, I would not be able to move - let alone do a marathon - but like that is going to be bother me!
I digress.
My dilemma is this: what if you are desperate to hear from not one but two men you still love and all of a sudden, in the space of days, they are back?! (Now when I say "back" I mean they have come out of the man cave but are still not sure how to communicate except for a few grunts).
So I must be skipping for joy and making wedding dress appointments (and running a marathon is just like Bride Boot Camp) because we all know that a grunt from a man is just like a wedding proposal. The getting down on the knee is actually so we know what is going on - otherwise grunts can get confusing.
Only that doesn't happen. Instead I get melancholy and have to go for my walk. I walk so far I feel like I can't stop. It is raining. I have sad music on. I am officially in the scene of the movie titled: "I am sad" (and the only way to truly represent "sad" is by walking in the rain).
But I also realise I have a training technique that is flawless.
Melancholy=Marathon Machine.
I am the Duracell bunny that will not stop. Yay for my ex's!

(Note to self: get cut outs of ex's for finish line. Possibility of coming 1st looking likely. Also have somewhere to direct nauseated vomit on completion.)

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