Sunday, January 31, 2010

The two H's

Little heads up. These two words do not go together: hangover and heat.
Drinking beer is always a good idea but drinking many (plus a couple of glasses of champagne) is maybe not so good.
Body was having a great time though and after all the training figured maybe it was time for some fun. Okay it has only been two training sessions but that is two more than we have ever done.
Didn't realise how hot it was when hitting track. Suddenly body and I had an even worse headache, cracked lips, and in desperate need of liquids (even running shoes seemed to be struggling).
Had to suck it up - as professional athlete now.
Had brain wave when drunk (and it wasn't drunken texting) that body felt invincible after a few drinks. Maybe there is something to be said for adding a bit of vodka to water bottle on day of marathon. Sure I will pay for it after the race, but during I won't feel a thing! Important to look at all training methods I say.

(Note to self: must actually start running when training.)

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