Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Day

Just sitting here wondering what the day will bring. Maybe today will be the day where something new and exciting happens. Maybe today will be my 'one second rule'.
Maybe today will be like that for someone else. If you could have one thing happen today that you really wanted, what would it be? Could today be the day?
I sound like I am on Oprah, it is true, but for good reason - plan is to be on Oprah before she retires. Not sure how that is going to eventuate but it is on my vision board and therefore must come true. Be great if I was also on the show with Adrien Brody and he wanted to re-enact kiss with Halle Berry at Academy Awards. I would most happily oblige all in the name of being a good guest on Oprah. (Maybe Adrien will fall madly in love with me after kiss and become my Prince...better check his star sign to make sure we are compatible before accepting proposal.)
Now, not quite sure if all of this will happen today but figure I can always put Adrien Brody film on and kiss TV and get a life size cardboard cut out of Oprah and she can join me on the couch and tell me I am having a 'lightbulb moment'.
Looks like dreams do come true!
Hope it is a one second kind of day for you all too...

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